Director & Producer - Bella Webber @bybellawebber
Prod. Company - One House Studio @onehouseartists
DOP - Lawrence Hughes @law.hughes
Sound Engineer - Christian Ellery @poshchocolates
Steadicam Op - Matt Butler @mattfuckinbutler
Gaffer - Ken Liew @kenliw
Spark - Jack Burgess @jbgraph.s
Production Manager - Beth Cullen @bethannbex
Production Assistants & BTS - Maddy Steele @maddysteele & Joy Eden @joyyeden_
Editor - Arvel @arvvel
Colorist - Lawrence Hughes @law.hughes
Artist Management - Fabian Phipps @fjphipps
Label - One House @onehouseartists
Camera & Lighting Kit - Shift4 @weareshift4
Special thanks to @TheCourtyardTheatre for the location.